Banners above roads

How to get permission to put a banner above a road.

How to apply

If you want to put a banner over a road, you need to download and complete the application form (pdf format, 678Kb) and email it to

Full Public Liability Insurance cover of a minimum of £10 million is required before the banner is put up.


We may give written consent (subject to the applicant obtaining planning permission from the local planning authority, if required) to put a suitable banner across the highway where certain conditions are met:

  • The site must be approved by us.
  • The buildings or structures must have suitable fixings installed to hang the banner from.
  • The owner of the building or structure and the fixings must have given permission for the banner to be hung.
  • No part of the banner shall be less than 19 feet (5.8 metres) above the carriageway or 8 feet (2.5 metres) above footways.
  • The banner must promote only non-profit making organisations or public services. Commercial advertising is not permitted (though small sponsorship logos up to 10 per cent of surface area are acceptable). Farmers' markets are, for the time being, treated as a public service. Political banners are not permitted.
  • You must hold a Public Liability Policy which indemnifies Oxfordshire County Council for at least £10,000,000 in case of any claim connected to the operation of the banner.
  • In Oxford City, the City Council`s Planning Department must also be contacted to find out whether or not formal planning application needs to be made.
  • Whether on site or visiting, all personnel must wear a high visibility jacket or waistcoat, as appropriate to the speed limit of the carriageway. You may also need other protective clothing or equipment for your personal safety


  • Applications for banners cannot be made more than three months in advance.
  • Banners cannot be re-erected within three months of being taken down unless otherwise agreed in writing by the county council.
  • Banners will normally be allowed for one week in advance of the event (but see below).
  • If the space is available, approval will be given on a first come, first served basis on the day for a maximum of one week - e.g. Saturday to Saturday, or another period as may be agreed in writing by the county council.

We reserve the right to arrange the removal of the banner if any of the conditions are not met or, if urgent highway maintenance requires the removal of the banner. We also reserve the right to require compliance with further conditions if we deem it to be appropriate, depending on the circumstances of each individual request for consent.