Transport planning application advice

How we advise on new developments that may have an impact on transport.

Pre-application advice

For advice prior to making a planning application we have a pre-application procedure. The full details of this are provided.

Advice on district council planning applications

All planning applications are determined by the relevant local planning authority (district council). Our Transport Development Control team is a statutory consultee of the planning process and therefore gives technical advice to the district councils on the transport and highway implications of each proposal.

This advice is used by the district council, who is the decision-making authority, in determining the planning application.

Our main responsibilities are to:

  • assess the transport and highway implications of new development within the framework of government and council guidelines and make recommendations to the local planning authorities as to whether the application should be permitted or refused on transport grounds
  • protect the highway network and existing transport infrastructure from the impacts of new developments
  • secure the upgrading of existing and provision of new transport infrastructure to accommodate and mitigate against the impact of the development proposals
  • secure contributions to improve transport provision in a wider context to account for the cumulative affects of new developments.
  • promote our sustainability objectives by encouraging walking, cycling and public transport

These responsibilities are undertaken in accordance with the policies in the development plan and the Local Transport Plan.

Advice on county council planning applications

In addition to providing advice on planning application consultations from district councils, we also provide advice on the county council’s planning application consultations.

These proposals include school developments, alterations or new buildings to provide our services, proposals for recycling centres and developments associated with quarrying.

How the consultation process works

There are two categories of planning application:

Either the district councils or this council register a planning application and send a consultation request to us (the Transport Development Control Team) to comment on transport issues. We then have a target of 21 days to make a response. The formulation of this response can include getting supporting advice from internal experts.

Alterations to existing road or creation of new road(s) (Section 278 and Section 38 Agreements)

Often as a result of a planning application getting a consent a road either needs to be altered or new road is needed. When this happens the Road Agreements Team processes, inspects and monitors this work.

Travel plans

If you have any queries about travel plans, contact the Travel Plans Team.