Oxfordshire SEND local offer

Home and travel for young people

Help to live independently or with support.

Help to live at home

Some young people may need help to live at home after they turn 18 (for example with personal care or daily living, equipment or adaptations). You can request an assessment to find out whether your needs can be met under the Care Act.

To find out what support is available to help you live independently, visit our living at home pages.

The Shared Lives Scheme gives disabled adults the opportunity to live as independently as possible. The service provides a disabled person with the care they need by offering them the chance to stay in a Shared Lives carer’s home and sharing their family life, or to be supported in their own home by a Shared Lives carer.

To find out more about applying for affordable accommodation and grants that can improve your home, help you live independently, and help with the cost of housing, visit our housing pages or contact your district council housing department.

Sensory Impairment Team - Sight and Hearing Impairment Teams

The Sensory Impairment Team provides specialist support to adults and children with a hearing and/or sight impairment. This includes  including:

  • social work support
  • support to develop independent living skills and mobility skills
  • rehabilitation work
  • equipment assessment needs to help with home life and increase independence where possible.

Learning Disability Service

Oxford Health’s Learning Disability Service supports adults with learning disabilities in Oxfordshire and those who support them to maintain good mental and physical health.


Getting around is an important skill all young people need to learn to get to school, work, and get out and have fun.

Whether walking, driving, cycling or taking a bus or train, the Oxme travel page advises young people about keeping safe, planning journeys and learning to drive. 

My Life My Choice also runs a travel buddy scheme to help people with learning disabilities build the confidence to travel on their own on buses and trains.

Use our Live Well Oxfordshire directory to find services near you.

Help and information

Search on the Family Information Service website for organisations and groups that support parents and carers of disabled children and young people and those with SEN and additional needs.

Impartial free advice and support - education

The special educational needs and disability information advice and support service (SENDIASS) offers impartial information, advice and support to parents of children and young people with SEN and disabilities regarding their education. You can get in touch by completing this online form.

The service aims to help parents, carers, young people and educational professionals to work together to provide the best possible support to children and young people with special educational needs, by:

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