Yes - you will be required to register with Ofsted or a Childminding Agency if you are looking after or planning to look after one or more children under the age of eight:
- For more than two hours a day
- In your own home
- For payment
Unregistered childminding is illegal and could result in prosecution and fines.
No – If you have the energy and a desire to care and educate young children and are in good health there is no age restriction.
You would be required to keep some written documents and records. You will need to have a good standard of English and be able to share information effectively. Good communication skills are vital.
No – but we would recommend that you complete training in Early Years such as a pre-registration course. You would need a good understanding and knowledge of the Early Years Foundation Stage Early years foundation stage - GOV.UK and know how to implement it to ensure children learn and develop and are kept safe.
You will need a 12-hour Paediatric First Aid qualification and Safeguarding training. Further information about training can be found in the Thinking about childminding booklet.
No – but the amount of space you have available may limit the number of children you can be registered to care for.
You don’t need a garden, but it is really important that children have access to outdoor spaces every day. Your home must be a safe environment for young children.
No – as long as your pets are safe around children and you have good hygiene practices in place to keep children protected, it won’t be an issue. In fact, some parents, who can’t keep pets themselves, may choose a childminder with animals so their children can experience what it is like being around pets.
No – depending on the age of your children it could impact on the number of children you could be registered to care for.
You may want to think about how your own children may feel about other children sharing you, their home and their toys! We recommend that the whole family is involved in the decision to become a childminder.
Yes – there is a cost to register with Ofsted or a Childminding agency and there will be costs attached to training. More information about these costs can be found in the ‘Thinking about Childminding’ booklet.